Sunday 27 September 2009


I haven't posted since. My last one.
Contact has been made between myself and the fake girl, not sure what's gonna happen there. As for rearend I know nothing will ever happen there.
I've been thinking about starting a second blog to start putting my other writings in, that I've been doing A LOT longer than these like literally years. I would call it my secret side project but like a fair few people know and I've been doing it longer. So this would technically be a side project...
Sugababes have split now there are no original members... just a thought If the original sugababes were to reform with a new name and re-release an old hit, would they be 'covering' a sugababes song? Personally I'd of kicked out Amelle she was only in their for what? a year if that. takes the piss really
Been a bit depressed as of late. Family developments yesterday did not help.
Been thinking about, I dunno, taking the easy way out. Take people a few weeks to notice, then they'd just be like. "meh". So I don't know.
This is getting to be very pointless.
p.s. the "other one" isn't really a problem now. I think I may have confused my feelings a tad. I've done that before with bearded boy.

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